Saturday, April 17, 2010


This was pictures of JR at his first hockey game. I hopefully will put a few more of him actually playing but I thought his jersey was awesome, he looks soo cute:) He scored 5 goals on his first game and 6 goals on his second.


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Friday, December 11, 2009

First Snow Fall

Or very first real snow fall and the first snow day from school...JR and Jacob were outside playing byu 7:30 in the morning with the neighbor girls..




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we are all at Elissa's old house for one last Thanksgiving



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fall day

What fun it was watching the boys play in the leaves with my dad..we just do not have all those leaves here in Saginaw..bottom picture is jacob with an indian hat on that he made at school..




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I really wish I would have caught it at its best, I could have gotten some really good pictures worth hanging up...but when I got home I could not see the enterence to our subdivision that was 10 feet in front of me..


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Ice skating

Ok so he really looks like a true hockey player!!!



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Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Jr's first day of Kindergarten:) It went well, I only cried a little, but he was excited to see his friends from preschool and all ready to go and play!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


This was easter at Elissa' Emma's face:)

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Sunday, March 29, 2009

roller skating

We went to a birthday party for one of Jim's co-workers at a rollerrink. It was soo much fun and brought back a lot of memories. Jr and Jacob both did well for their age. Jr just skated around and Jacob like to walk on the carpet and hold on to the wall and dance around. Jacob was just a hoot. He loved the food and tried pretty much getting down on the rink. JR was just mr. independent and wanted noone to help him..




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roller skating cont




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ice skating con't...

This was JR getting ready and excited about getting on the ice and then the rest of the pictures are of Jacob goofing around cheering brother on!!!




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first time ice skating

Jim went and bought JR some ice skates...he is dreaming that JR will be the next Stevie Y :) here is how he took him awhile to figure it out but he now can at least slowly get around the ice (better than me)




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