Thursday, November 13, 2008


Heard a loud scream and turned around to find Jacob had just touched the fireplace, he then fell asleep with his had in some cool water after screaming for almost an hour. My poor baby, now it is all wrapped up because the blister popped.


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Ethan's Mom said...

Boys will be boys, huh?! It's been a long time since I've visited your blog Erin...sorry about that! I added you to my "blog list" now, so I'll check it often! I'm so glad Jacob's surgery went well, it brought tears to my eyes remembering when Ethan had to have his MRI and they took him away from me all sedated...I was a basketcase! You're photography is really looking good! Strong work! I usually post with my little camera since that's the only one our computer recognizes right now! Anyway, blah, blah, blah...hope you guys are doing well!!!

Jenny said...

oh my Erin! Ouchie! We have a space heater and I am parranoid that Kelsey is going to touch she. She was an inch away from it the other day and I caught her....poor thing :(

VandenBerg Family said...

OUCH, OUCH, OUCH!!! Poor Jacob! I'm sure he's very well taken care of by his nurse mommy though!

VandenBerg Family said...

Time for an update! What about doing a 'quote of the day' every now and again. That way you don't have to add pictures every time. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!! Love E