Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Well my poor baby just nothing seems to go right for him...Lets start that he was born at 10 pounds and 1 ounce. His tounge was large and his head was big, so they did a bunch of testing and sent him to a neurologist, he was discharged from there and was ok. At one point he was sleeping too much on one side and his head started to grow flat on that side, so I was threatened for him to have to wear a helmet...that was enough for me...and I got him to sleep on the other side, all was good, no helmet...then he started with all the snoring and wound up with sleep apnea then his tonsils out at 2 years of age. Then the night before thanksgiving he fell and broke his clavicle. On the xray Jim noticed that his heart appeared to be on the wrong side, so I called a dr here and sure enough she believes the same, it is called dextrocardia..While at the dr's office she was checking him over and thinks she might hear a heart murmur. She is now waiting to hear from a pediatric cardiologist and thinks we might need a echo done on him and a follow up xray to verify now there might be more wrong...I am about to loose it and just pray and hope that there is nothing more...Basically my baby has been seen by neurologist, ENT, and now cardiologist and is not even 3...he has had US and CT of the head, blood work, surgery, xrays and soon an echo...I do not know how mothers do it....


VandenBerg Family said...

Just know that I am worried right with you. Thinking about you A LOT!! Love, Elizabeth

p.s. I'll be praying that you are given wise doctors who are able to give you the answers you need.

Brenda Lee said...

Erin you are a wonderful mom! I will be thinking about you and Jacob. Please keep us posted!

Ethan's Mom said...

Erin, I sort of know how your feeling. Ethan's had labs drawn about 4 times, CT, X-rays, EEG, MRI and a hospital admission all before he was 12 months old! He had a non-febrile seizure at 8mos. I was a basket case, but we got through it and I know you will too. I'll pray for you and the strength you need to get from day to day without worrying yourself sick, and for Jacob too. He's probably fortunate to catch this so young, don't you think?

Jenny said...

Thinking of you and Jacob, hopefully you'll get answers here soon. Call if you want to chat!

Sara Denslaw said...


I know how you feel. In her short six year Sami has had an MRI, CT scan, upper GI series, dozens of x-rays, a lot of blood work, and 2 surgeries and all related to her back! She also has 7 or 8 different specialists as well. Hopefully you get some answers soon.

Rachel Nykerk said...

Erin, I was blog hopping from Brenda and Jens and was wondering what was going on with you as I knew you had moved. I am so sorry to hear about the stress you are under especially with this news about Jacob. I remember it being difficult enough raising boys when you don't have to worry about their health. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

VandenBerg Family said...