Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Quote: JR has school Mon/Wed/Fri afternoons. This morning I told JR he had only a few more minutes to play a game before he had to take a bath and eat some lunch. His response "good, then I have to brush my teeth after lunch so I don't get..(he pauses and thinks for a minute and finishes) sugar bugs on my teeth" He has never had an interest in brushing teeth, must be something from school...

One from yesterday that I thought about...JR calls down the stairs "mom you do not need to wipe me!" I asked why did you poop...he responded "yeah but it was just little poops so there is nothing there..." He was fully redressed and I did check his bottom and he was ok but he seems to think that unless it is a big poop you do not need to wipe and of course he never flushes, so I found that one too!!!

My boys think by wearing goggles in the tub they will actually go under water...RIGHT!!! that did not happen...they do just like to wear them because then they can splash more and not get water in the eyes and they will put just barely their heads into the water and think they are in some huge lake or something.


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Ethan's Mom said...

Love the goggle look Erin!! So cute! And I got a tickle from "sugar bugs". I love the quotes from the boys, I'll have to remember that when you can actually start making out what Ethan says!

VandenBerg Family said... that you're doing the quotes! The goggles are great! I think I'm going to add that to my Christmas list.

Jenny said...

I think you're doing better than me lately on blogging! I love reading yours. Thanks for the cute Christmas card, is one of your walls green in your house? I was trying to figure out where it was taken :)